


Kikan is an ordinary high school girl who's out going and a bit mischiveous. She nkes to make fun of her friends by scaring them. But one day when she got unlucky, after scaring Dea and Lena, she fell. From then on, a lot of strange things start to encounter Kikan. Suddenly, she has extraordinary ability compared to ordinary people. Unfortunately, this new power is what actually tortures her. Everytime there's a horrifying experience that happens to the people close to her, from her gardener to her school teacher, she could feel it through the medium of mirror. This new power cruficies Kikan mentally, which changed her personality from fun-loving girl to a loner. And she could only tell her distress to her classmate Doni. Doni, who secretly in love with Kikan, tried to help her. There's a struggle within Doni himself who keeps trying to express his love towards Kikan, who never notices his feelings. By the time Kikan starts to realise Doni's feelings, bad things start to happen to him. And Kikan restrain her feelings towards him. Her panic totally taken over her, until a paranormal mysteriously appeared and explained her situation. Though this doesn't make Kikan calm, since she still has one wish to she wants to fullfill. Kikan wishes to express her love towards Doni. Would she be able to change her faith and destiny? All is in God's great work, but true love will give the power of life to its owner. True love never dies.

Cast n Crew


Nirina Zubir

Jonathan Mulia

Henidar Amroe

Indra Brasco

Unique Priscilla

Ichi Nuraini

Vida Sylvia Pasaribu

Ira Wibowo

Joshua Pandelaki



Moh. Leo Lumanto



Director : Hanny R. Saputra

Producer : Novi Christina

Executif Producers : Leo Sutanto, Elly Yanti Noor

Co. Producers : Heru Hendriyarto,Mitzy Christina, Cindy Christina

Line Producers : Dani Sapawie,Luma Productions

Story by : M.Leo Lumanto

Script writer : Armantono

Film Editor : Wawan IW

Casting Director : Tujuh Management

2nd Director Of Photografi : Rei Supriyardi

Music by : Dian HP

Sound Engineer : Adityawan Susanto

Sound recordist : Adimolana

Art Director : Eros Eflin,Iwan Setyabudiman

Costum Designer : Chitra Subijakto

Production Stils


Release date : 27 Oktobe 2005

Genre : Romance Suspence

Movie Duration : 115 menit

Theme Song : “Cinta Itu” by Astrid

Produced by : SONY BMG MUSIC Ent.Indonesia

Format : 35 mm

Sound : DOLBY Stereo Lisence